Find a study for you
One of the main avenues we use to facilitate community with COACHES HONOR is through weekly Bible studies. We would love for you to join us! If you are a coach, we can come to your school and meet with you when it's convenient. If you aren't a coach, don't worry! We still have Bible studies and disciple all over the Greater Jacksonville area to connect with you. If you would like to start a Bible study on your campus, please email
See our schedule of studies below to find a study that works for you.
Men's Studies
Wednesday mornings, 7am at Jax Beach Maple Street Biscuit Co.
Interested in hosting a Bible study at your business or campus? Contact Ande at
woMen's Studies
All studies start the week of September 10th and will be studying Philippians.
Monday Morning: 10:00 am
Vicki Gillander's home:
(San Jose area)
Contact Kathy ( for exact address and any other questions
Monday Night, every other week@ 6:30 pm
Nancy Kaye’s (Jacksonville Beach area)
***Meets Every other Monday***
Contact Christine ( for exact address and any other questions
Tuesday Morning: 9:45 am
Tuesday Mornings, 9:30 (9:15 for hot coffee) at Reina’s (Neptune Beach area)
Contact Janna ( for exact address and any other questions
**Child Care is available. Please let us know what is needed in advance.
Wednesday Morning: 10:00 am
Zoom (North St. John’s County)
Contact Jean ( for exact address and any other questions
Thursday Morning:
Weekly @ 9:30 am
​​location TBD (San Marco area)
***Meets every other Thursday***
Contact Rachael ( for address and any other questions